Whitby library

Information about Whitby library including contact details and services offered.

North Yorkshire Council
Whitby Library
Windsor Terrace
YO21 1EY

Email: whitby.library@northyorks.gov.uk
Telephone: 01609 534350
Facebook: Whitby library Facebook
Twitter/X: Whitby Library X page

Library opening hours

  • Monday, 9:30am to 5pm
  • Tuesday, 9:30am to 7pm
  • Wednesday, closed
  • Thursday, 9:30am to 5pm
  • Friday, 9:30am to 5pm
  • Saturday, 10am to 1pm
  • Sunday, closed

Finding the library, parking and access

The library is located below the police station, behind the railway station and next to the employment office. The bus station and railway station are both within a short walk.

No public car parking facilities are available at the library and the nearest car park is at the Co-op supermarket or on the marina. There is a ramp for disabled access and an internal passenger lift.

Items available from the library

You can borrow a range of books for all ages in a variety of formats, including large print and audio. DVDs and foreign language titles are also available for loan, as well as Micro:bits. You can request any item that is not immediately available.

Information and facilities at the library

  • family history
  • fax
  • free online access to Ancestry.com, Find My Past, the British Newspaper Archive and Access to Research
  • free Wi-Fi
  • gift shop
  • help and support using IT
  • internet and computer access
  • language courses
  • local studies
  • magazines and newspapers
  • meeting rooms available for hire
  • parents' collection
  • photocopying, printing and scanning
  • study area
  • tea and coffee
  • toilets

Activities at the library

For further information about any of the activities below, please contact the library.

Baby Rhyme Time

Songs and Rhymes for babies 0 to 2 years every Monday during term-time, from 9:45am until 10:15am. This activity is free.

Class visits

We work closely with schools in the Whitby area and welcome class visits to the library. Please contact us to organise your visit.

Craft group

The craft group meets every Thursday between 1pm and 3pm. There is a small charge for attending this group.

Family tree research

Family History research available upon request. Face to face appointments with our family history volunteer can be pre-booked.

Help with computers and the internet from our volunteer IT Buddies

Appointments available upon request.

Lego Clubs

Tuesdays 4:30 to 6:30pm and Saturdays 10:30am to 12:30pm.

Story Tots

There are stories, songs, crafts and picnics for the under fives every Monday during term-time, from 10.30am to 11.15am. This activity is free.

Home library service

The home library service operates a fortnightly service from the library, serving Whitby and the surrounding area.


There are a number of opportunities to volunteer at the library. See the library volunteering page or ask at the library for further details.