Bentham community library

Information about Bentham community library including contact details and services offered.

Bentham community library
Pioneer Projects
Looking Well Studios
King Street
High Bentham

Telephone: 01609 534533
Website: Bentham community library website
Facebook: Bentham community library Facebook
Twitter: Bentham community library Twitter

This library is managed and operated by Pioneer Projects, working in partnership with North Yorkshire Council.

Library opening hours

  • Monday: 2:30pm to 5pm
  • Tuesday: closed
  • Wednesday: 10am to 2pm
  • Thursday: closed
  • Friday: 2:30pm to 4:30pm
  • Saturday: 10am to 12 noon
  • Sunday: closed

Finding the library, parking and access

The library is on King Street, between Neil Wright Associates Estates Agents and Armstrong's Hardware shop at the top of Main Street.

There is no designated parking at the library. Some on-street parking is available on Main Street, as well as a free car park signposted from the main street. The library is on the first floor, but a lift allows access to the library.

Items available from the library

You can borrow a range of books for all ages in a variety of formats, including large print and audio. Music CDs, DVDs and foreign language titles are also available for loan, as well as micro:bits. You can request any item that is not immediately available.

Information and facilities at the library

  • family history
  • free online access to, Find My Past, the British Newspaper Archive and Access to Research
  • free wi-fi
  • help and support using IT
  • home library and information service
  • internet and computer access
  • local studies
  • newspapers
  • photocopying, printing and scanning
  • study area
  • toilets

Activities at the library

For further information about any of the activities below, please contact the library.

Little Notes music and fun sessions 

Informal music for pre-school children and their carers. Every Tuesday in term time, 9.30am to 11am. Call 015242 62672 or email to book your place. 

Creative writing group 

This successful group has been running for many years and is led by an experienced retired English teacher, on Zoom and in-person, every Tuesday 11.45 m until 1pm 

Book group 

All welcome! Contact the library to find out about joining the group which meets on the second Tuesday of the month (except August) from 2pm to 3pm

Barclays Bank 

Barclays Bank in the Community hold surgeries every Wednesday and Thursday between 9.30am to 4.30pm to support with simple servicing, getting online, and providing useful advice on how to avoid scams and fraud. 

Lego Club 

Lego Club runs every week on Wednesdays in term time from 3.45pm to 5pm.

Class visits 

Class visits may be organised to the library.


There are a number of opportunities to volunteer at the library. See the library volunteering page or ask at the library for further details.