Access to computers through public libraries acceptable use policy

  1. This service is provided to give access to the Internet together with a range of PC software for example, Word, Excel.
  2. In order to manage demand, a booking system is in place. Appointments will be cancelled where customers are more than 15 minutes late for an appointment and there are other people waiting to use the service.
  3. Customers must not cause any damage to the hardware or software and must not violate the security of the system.
  4. Customers may save material to external storage devices. All storage devices used in library PCs will automatically be subject to a virus scan and infected files may be deleted.
  5. Printouts are subject to a charge which must be paid to library staff/volunteers.
  6. All copyright laws must be observed. A poster summarising copyright requirements is on display in each library.
  7. Accessing, transmitting, downloading or viewing any materials which contravene the law is strictly forbidden. This condition includes, but is not limited to, material which is deemed to be extremist, threatening, obscene or libellous.
  8. The viewing of “live”, “catch up” or on demand television is not allowed due to licensing restrictions imposed by the BBC.
  9. In order to minimise disruption to other customers, viewing of the Internet will normally be limited to no more than two people per screen.
  10. Any individual whose actions contravene library service policy or this acceptable use policy will be barred from further use of the facility and/or from use of the Library.
  11. North Yorkshire Council (NYC) is providing an Internet service to improve the range and quantity of information which is available to the public.  A filtering system is in operation and logs kept of sites visited on any session. We reserve the right to check on usage to ensure that this Policy is adhered to. Our filter providers filter sites that fall into the following categories:
  • Adult/sexually explicit, criminal skills, hacking, illegal drugs, intolerance and hate, proxies and peer-to-peer, spyware, violence, and weapons.


  1. The availability of Internet facilities and sites on any particular day cannot be guaranteed as problems may arise due to technical difficulties, high levels of web traffic etc.
  2. North Yorkshire Council (NYC) has no control over the content of Internet sites. We cannot take responsibility for the content, and although filtering takes place, material which some people may find offensive could be accessed, even accidentally.
  3. The speed and success of customers' searches cannot be guaranteed.
  4. Please note that not all sites provide accurate, current or complete information. Customers must exercise their own judgement. Library staff/volunteers may be able to provide some guidance to recommended sites.
  5. Virus checking software is installed on PCs, but protection cannot be guaranteed.
  6. Although it is permissible to use the internet in libraries for commercial transactions, the Council would advise against doing so as data may not be secure on public access computers.  Where commercial transactions have taken place the Council cannot be held liable for any losses which may result or for the security of any personal data which customers may choose to divulge during such transactions.
  7. The council cannot be held responsible for any loss of data, damage or liability which may occur from the use of a library's computer.