Exercise and activities in the Scarborough area

Find out about walking groups, weight loss groups and exercise schemes in the Scarborough area.

Walking groups

Scarborough Ramblers

​​​​The Scarborough and District group of the Ramblers' Association is a thriving organisation with a busy programme of walks.

Website: Scarborough Ramblers

Scarborough Rambling Club

Scarborough Rambling Club organises two guided group walks most Sundays during the year in the beautiful countryside of Scarborough and the surrounding area.​

Members are offered the choice of a long walk ranging generally between nine to 12 miles or a short walk ranging generally between five to eight miles. Occasional day trips and social events are also held.

Weight loss groups

Humber NHS Foundation Trust – Scarborough

A free service lasting up to 24 weeks to support adults to lose weight, move more and maintain long term weight loss.

Website: Humber NHS Foundation Trust – Scarborough

BDA Weightwise

BDA Weightwise offer a weight management service through their website. The free service is available to all and offers online support, tools and signposting to find the right approach to weight management.

Website: BDA Weightwise

Weight Watchers Scarborough and Whitby

Weight Watchers offer group-based weight loss programmes at community venues in Scarborough and Whitby.

Website: Weight Watchers

Slimming World

Slimming World offer weight loss programmes at community venues in Scarborough. They provide guidance for any weight goal. There are reduced rates for senior citizens.

Website: Slimming World

Exercise schemes


parkrun is a series of 5k runs held on Saturday mornings in areas of open space around the UK. They are open to all, free, and are safe and easy to take part in. Visit the parkrun website for more information and to find the nearest parkrun in your area.