North Yorkshire’s No Wrong Door model launched in April 2015 after being the first nationally to successfully bid for and receive Department for Education’s funding around rethinking care for adolescents. No Wrong Door is an ambitious innovation that aims to improve the life chances of young people with complex needs. Working in hubs, it brings together a range of housing options, services and outreach support under one management team, thus resulting in a young person’s needs being addressed within a single team.
The No Wrong Door innovation has made substantial progress towards achieving its intended aim. From April 2015, North Yorkshire’s No Wrong Door model has supported 677 young people with the result that 86.5% of those young people are not Looked After.
No Wrong Door has improved:
- accommodation stability
- engagement in education
- employment and training
- relationships with others
- resilience and wellbeing
- access to support in a crisis
It has also reduced high risk behaviours such as criminal activity, missing incidents and substance misuse. No Wrong Door has helped to reduce North Yorkshire’s looked-after population by 18% in five years and has led to a £2million year-on-year saving.
Elements of No Wrong Door’s scale and growth plans have been shared with over 120 organisations. In addition, the No Wrong Door leadership team and the evaluation team have worked together to produce presentations for national and international conferences to provide emerging findings to inform the potential future and wider application of the innovation.
Read the No Wrong Door model privacy notice.
Ofsted Outstanding
Children and families in North Yorkshire receive a consistent, high-quality service and North Yorkshire is the only authority nationally to have received Outstanding across all provisions. North Yorkshire is dedicated to supporting children and young people in remaining close to their home and local community, which has a demonstrably positive impact on effecting change for children and families. See the Ofsted report 2018 (pdf / 242 KB).
At the core of our work is the belief that children and young people deserve to receive the outstanding care and support they need to live and reach their full potential. Our work is child-centred and there is a longstanding, clearly embedded model of practice, based on building effective relationships with children and families.
Watch this video to find out more about our No Wrong Door model.