Your application form is the initial way that we assess your capability and potential. Therefore, it is important you take the time to really focus on your application form. We will use this information to shortlist the applications that we receive and it is your opportunity to tell us why you are suitable for the job.
Please ensure that you address the following in the supporting evidence section of the application form:
1. We would like to understand why you have applied for the Future Finance Leaders – Trainee Accountant Programme / Trainee Accountant Technician programme. Please include examples of how you are:
- articulate and can communicate effectively
- customer focused and can build positive working relationships with both colleagues and clients
- a good problem solver and can make productive decisions
- flexible, with the desire to add value and continuous improvements where possible
- a potential leader for the future
2. You will also need to show how you meet the requirements of the competence framework within the person specification.
3. Finally, please tell us what impact you think you will have if you are appointed to the programme.
Refer to any examples you can give to provide evidence of your skills and knowledge.
Think about what you have done in the past: at home, at school, at college, in paid work, unpaid work or in a hobby. For example, being active in a club or other group can show teamwork, communication or organising skills.
It is not essential for you to have worked in a role in accountancy or finance to be shortlisted for this role. However, if you do have any relevant experience please include this. For example, reading or research around the subject area or you may have practical experience such as helping a community activity / charity with their book-keeping / finances.
We are interested in applicants who are willing to learn both in their studies and in the workplace, and can demonstrate their enthusiasm to study for the CIPFA Professional Qualification whilst working. This will require dedication and hard work, so think about how you can evidence this in your application. You may already have some work experience through weekend / part-time working or full-time working whilst you have been studying. You may have been involved in groups or activities in addition to your studies, for example, sports teams.
By telling us about any other activities, this helps to demonstrate how you may then be a suitable candidate for this role. You may also wish to tell us about some pieces of work / projects you have undertaken which have received positive feedback and may have been achieved with competing demands on your time. This is a good way to evidence not only your work quality, but also your work throughput.
As a guide, in order to cover all of the above points. we recommend a word count for your supporting evidence of between 1,200 and 1,500 words.
You will need to provide the names of two referees within your application. If applicable, one should be your current / most recent employer, that is, your line manager and the second should be a previous employer or someone who can give information relevant to the job. If you are a school or college leaver, you may have had a part time, weekend or holiday job which you can use to provide a reference. You can also give the name of your head teacher or tutor.
References provided by relatives, friends or people with whom you live are not acceptable. Use someone who knows your capabilities and is aware of your potential. References will only be taken up if you are offered the position.
It is advisable for you to contact your referees at an early stage to let them know that you wish to give their name and ensure that they are willing to act as a referee.