Transfers and mutual exchanges in Selby

Find out about transferring from your current property and mutually exchanging your council home in the Selby area.


If you wish to transfer from your current property, you will need to complete a North Yorkshire Home Choice housing application.

You may not be able to transfer if you have current debt, previous social housing rent arrears, a history of anti-social behaviour or you are currently in the first twelve months of your tenancy.

For more information, or to apply, visit the North Yorkshire Home Choice website or visit our apply for housing page.

Mutual exchange

You only have the right to mutually exchange your council home if you have a flexible or secure tenancy.

You can exchange your home with another of our flexible or secure tenants in the Selby locality, or another council or housing association tenant.

To mutually exchange your home, you will need to register on the Homeswapper website.

Alternatively, you can contact us.