Tenant responsibilities in Selby

Find out about your responsibilities as a tenant in the Selby area.

You are responsible for certain aspects of your tenancy. 

These include:

  • internal decorations and some repairs
  • avoiding pest infestations
  • access
  • communal areas
  • your garden 
  • tenant home insurance

You can find more details about these responsibilities below.

Internal decorations and repairs

We will keep the structure and exterior of your home and its installations, including communal areas you may share with other residents, in good repair. You can help us to maintain good standards by telling us as soon as possible if anything needs attention.

If you have a secure or flexible tenancy, decorate all parts of the inside of your home as often as necessary to keep them in reasonable condition.

With the exception of fair wear and tear, you will need to repair or replace (or pay for us to repair or replace) anything that has been damaged in your home by you, family members, lodgers or visitors (including children) and pets.

You are responsible for repairing and maintaining your own domestic equipment.

Pest infestations

As the tenant, you are responsible for preventing pests in your home.

To reduce the risk of an infestation occurring:

  • avoid doing anything that attracts insects, pests or vermin, such as ants, cockroaches, mice, rats and pigeons
  • dispose of food waste responsibly – avoid throwing it out of windows or onto balconies
  • contact us as soon as you become aware of an infestation in your home or communal area 


If we require access to your home to carry out inspections, repairs, gas servicing or other works, you must allow us reasonable access. You will be given at least 24 hours’ notice before we visit your home.

We have a legal duty to carry out annual gas safety servicing. Please work with us to ensure timely and smooth access to your home.

If you prevent us from carrying out this essential work, we may seek a court order, which would grant us access to your home without the need for your permission. We would recharge costs associated with this action to you.

Communal areas

You have a responsibility to:

  • help to keep all communal areas clean
  • keep them obstruction free – items such as bikes, scooters, mopeds, children’s toys and rubbish cannot be kept in these areas
  • items must not be thrown down stairs or onto landings
  • keep noise levels to a reasonable level to avoid causing nuisance to other residents
  • remember, security first. Always check identification badges of strangers before giving them access to the building – if you are in any doubt do not let them in
  • keep doors to communal areas closed

Your garden

If you have a garden it is your responsibility to look after it and ensure it is kept tidy and safe, including hedges. If your garden is overgrown we may clear it and charge you for the work.

If there is good reason why you cannot do the work yourself, we may be able to advise you of services that could assist.

Please ensure your garden does not cause damage, nuisance or encroach on to any other property. Avoid planting large trees, hedges or bushes. If another tenant is doing this, please report it to us.

Do not cut down or remove any trees or hedges without getting permission from us in writing.

Shared communal gardens

We will maintain grass and gardens in communal areas.

The number of cuts to grassed areas will depend on the weather. Our contractor does not use grass cutting machinery that simultaneously collects grass clippings, but they will endeavour to clear pathways by end of the day of the cut.

Hedge cutting in communal areas is carried out by our contractor as required.

We are unable to grant permission for any sheds or greenhouses or similar on communal land.

Tenant home insurance