Anti-social behaviour in Selby

Find out how we deal with anti-social behaviour in Selby housing.

We firmly believe that every tenant has the right to enjoy their home free from anti-social behaviour.

Anti-social behaviour is behaviour that is considered to be unacceptable to a community or individual. It includes but is not limited to:

  • vandalism
  • violence
  • theft or storing stolen goods
  • excessive noise
  • drug dealing
  • domestic violence
  • racial and sexual harassment

What we do

We work closely with North Yorkshire Police and health and voluntary agencies through the Safer Communities Partnership to prevent and resolve anti-social behaviour. We also meet regularly as a partner of Safer Selby Hub to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour across the area.

When problems cannot be resolved, we are able to take legal action against the offenders of anti-social behaviour, which may include seeking an injunction to prevent certain individuals from being at a particular property, or serving a notice to seek possession of a property.

Threatening behaviour

If you are being threatened in any way, contact North Yorkshire Police.

Call 101 for a non-emergency.

Call 999 for an emergency.

Then let your local neighbourhood officer know.

We take all complaints seriously. We will investigate your complaint and try to resolve the situation. We will need your help to do this, which may involve you making a statement about what has happened.


You are responsible for the behaviour of your children and any visitors to your home.

If your children are involved in anti-social behaviour anywhere in the Selby locality, your tenancy may be put at risk.

Animals (including pets)

You will need permission to keep an animal in your home. 

You are responsible for the behaviour of your animals and any damage they may cause to the property.

Full details of your responsibilities can be found in our pet policy.

Issues with neighbours

If you have a problem with your neighbour, you may simply need to speak to them in a constructive and non-confrontational way. They may not be aware they are causing you distress.

Causes of nuisance include:

  • noise
  • DIY work and car repairs
  • rubbish
  • uncontrolled animals and children

If you feel unable to speak to your neighbour, or you are not satisfied with their response, contact your neighbourhood officer who can help you with the most appropriate way to deal with the problem behaviour.

Housing fraud

The following are criminal offences that could result in prosecution: 

  • fraudulently getting a property by providing incorrect information when applying for a council home or completing a right to buy application
  • misusing a council home
  • subletting a council home
  • abandoning a council home

If you are convicted of housing fraud, you may receive substantial fines, a prison sentence and a criminal record.

If you are concerned that someone is committing fraud, contact Veritau.


Phone: 0800 9179 247