Selby tenants compensation policy

Find out what circumstances could warrant a compensation claim and how to claim.

We aim to provide good quality homes that are well maintained and meet the needs of our tenants. Services can however be susceptible to unplanned failure and from time to time things go wrong.

Our compensation policy provides information on what circumstances could warrant a compensation claim and how to claim. It provides a framework for the consideration, calculation and authorisation of compensation. It applies to all current, future and former tenants, leaseholders and customers of our housing service.

All offers of compensation are made without prejudice and do not signify the acceptance of legal responsibility or liability on our part.

All payments made under this policy will be issued as full and final settlement for the complaint.

We will meet all legal and regulatory requirements and will adhere to any actions or compensations ordered by the Housing Ombudsman or Local Government Ombudsman, as part of their findings following a complaint.

Read the compensation policy here.