Open Door newsletter for tenants in the Selby area

The Open Door newsletter is for tenants and leaseholders.

We work with a group of tenants who provide feedback, content and suggestions for the magazine. The magazine is created and delivered many times throughout the year.

Open Door is available on an opt-in basis. You can choose to receive your issue digitally by email or a paper version by post. Contact us to be added to the mailing list.

 Read the latest edition of Open Door here (pdf / 3 MB).

Housing annual report

Each year, we provide a review of the work the housing and property services have done over the year. This issue includes statistics that show how the service has performed, key achievements, and information from tenant panels.

Our latest housing annual report is available to read.

 Read our latest housing annual report here (pdf / 5 MB).

Editorial panel

We want to make sure this magazine is relevant to you all. To do this, we want as many tenants as possible to help us develop, review and suggest content.

The panel meets and discusses each edition and shares their suggestions and feedback. If a meeting is not for you, you can always be involved by providing input and feedback by telephone or email.

Contact us to get involved.