Rent setting in Harrogate

Find out how your rent is calculated.

Calculating your rent

The rent we charge you is based on several factors, not least what we have to pay to provide housing services to you.

We also need to pay for the cost of borrowing to construct the property and for maintenance and improvements.

Every year, we work out how much money we need to run the housing service and where this can be raised from. The government has an influence by setting targets for spending and rent levels. That means we have very limited control over the rent our tenants are asked to pay.

Nothing you pay in rent is used to fund any of our other services.

Service charges

You may have other charges to pay as part of your total rent.  These are often known as a service charge.  These usually pay for heating in properties where heat or hot water comes from a shared boiler or for warden services in sheltered accommodation. 

If you're not sure why you have additional charges, contact your housing officer who will be pleased to explain.