Surveying for major repairs or other activities in Harrogate housing

We often need to carry out surveys or inspections of property we own or manage.

There are several reasons why we would need to survey or inspect your home:

  • to prepare for improvement or major repair works
  • to gather information about the condition of the building(s) and major fittings and fixtures to help us make long-term maintenance and improvement plans
  • to assess signs of structural movement in the building(s)
  • if you have applied to buy your home from the council and are progressing your application to stage two
  • to carry out an energy efficiency (EPC) survey especially when a tenancy is about to end or has already ended
  • to carry out electrical safety testing (every 10 years) but this will normally be carried out by a specialist contractor rather than one of our surveyors

All our surveyors and staff working for any of our contractors carry a council or company ID card with the person’s photograph on it.

You should always ask someone who claims to work for the council – or a contractor – to prove who they are before you let them in.

We will usually arrange a survey or inspection in advance at a time convenient to you, so you should be very cautious of anyone who turns up without notice.

If you are ever unsure if someone is genuine, do not let them in your home.

Contact us to check credentials.