Communal areas in Harrogate council housing

The landlord is responsible for the communal areas of council housing.

Communal areas are those parts of a house, block of flats, street or estate which tenants have a right to use in common with other tenants.

These include:

  • communal hallways
  • the roof and gutters on a block of flats
  • shared stairways, balconies and access paths
  • gardens or yards, where each property doesn't have its "own" garden or yard, usually around flats and some bungalows

Stairways and halls

If you have communal, or shared, halls and stairs to your home, you're responsible, together with all the other residents, for cleaning these areas. We suggest that you agree who cleans what with your neighbours.

Shared halls and stairs are part of your fire escape route; please keep them free from obstructions and don't keep or store combustible items (for example, furniture, rugs, wall-hangings), in these areas.

Communal gardens

We maintain the grass and gardens in communal areas. The grass should be cut every two weeks, unless it's too wet. However, we don't remove grass clippings because this would be very costly.

Contact us

If something needs repairing in a communal area, contact us to report it.

If the problem happens outside office hours and you think it needs immediate attention because it's an emergency, please call 01423 556300.