Harrogate housing standards: temporary accommodation

Our statement of intent

The council is committed to the provision of quality temporary accommodation for those people assessed as needing it under homeless legislation. We will ensure that the customer’s needs are met in a sensitive manner and that we listen to the feedback we receive.

How we aim to do this

We will:

  1. Offer to you the most appropriate temporary accommodation which is available to us at the time of your homelessness. 
  2. Only use bed & breakfast as a last resort and, wherever possible, within the local area. 
  3. Ensure that our hostel accommodation is maintained to a good standard. 
  4. Ensure that temporary accommodation provided by other housing agencies including Bed & Breakfast is of a good standard. 
  5. Advise you of your right to Review if you are unhappy about your offer of temporary accommodation.

You can help us by:

  1. Providing us with proof of your identity and housing circumstances. 
  2. Providing us with information relating to health and support needs. 
  3. Letting us know if any of your circumstances change. 
  4. Letting us know promptly if you are unable to attend any appointment. 
  5. Acting on the advice that we give you. 

How performance is monitored 

Performance on temporary accommodation provision is reported in detail on a quarterly basis to the neighbourhood services and housing needs (tenant involvement) panel.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this standard, please contact us