Harrogate housing standards: Right to Buy

Our statement of intent

The council aims to provide you with the information you need when you are considering purchase of your home and provide a comprehensive service to you throughout the buying process.

How we aim to do this

For houses, we will: 

  1. Tell you whether you can buy your home through Right to Buy within 4 weeks of receipt of your completed application.
  2. Send you an offer letter within 8 weeks of receipt of your application.
  3. Give you 12 weeks in which to respond to our offer letter.
  4. Send you a reminder notice if you have not responded to our original offer letter and give you a further 4 weeks to respond.
  5. Cancel your right to buy application if no response is received within the extended 4 week period.

For flats, maisonettes and other leasehold properties we will:

  1. Tell you whether you can buy your home through the Right to Buy within 4 weeks of receipt of your completed application.
  2. Send you an offer letter within 12 weeks of receipt of your application.
  3. Give you 12 weeks in which to respond to our offer letter.
  4. Send you a reminder notice if you have not responded to our original offer letter and give you a further 4 weeks to respond.
  5. Cancel your right to buy application if no response is received within the extended 4 week period.

Further information

You can find more information about Right to Buy on the Government website.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this standard, please contact us