Harrogate housing standards: rent arrears

Our statement of intent

The council aims to ensure that all tenants pay their rent on time and, therefore, avoid additional costs for both the council and tenants. We will provide a range of guidance and support for tenants who are struggling to pay their rent or whose circumstances have changed.

How we aim to do this

When you move into your new home, we will:

  1. Give you a rent account number and tell you how much you need to pay each week.
  2. Arrange to issue an Allpay payment card if requested.
  3. Advise you of the various methods to pay your rent.
  4. If you are to claim Universal Credit, we will arrange for a housing officer (income management) to give you advice on how to make a claim and managing your budget before your first payments are received.
  5. Ask you to complete a Housing Benefit form if you are eligible, giving assistance if required. If possible we will give you an indication of your entitlement to Housing Benefit and advice about other benefits you may be able to receive.
  6. Visit within 6 weeks of your tenancy starting to see if you have any problems, including matters affecting rent payments.

During your tenancy, we will:

  1. Issue you with a statement of your rent account four times a year and explain this to you if you would like us to.
  2. Notify you at least 4 weeks ahead of any rent increase in accordance with the terms of your tenancy agreement.
  3. Chase any outstanding debt in accordance with our policy, including making a reasonable arrangement with you to pay your arrears within agreed timescales and explaining any legal action we may take if payments are not made.
  4. Offer assistance through debt advice and guidance about benefits that are available, and continue to do this whenever you need our help.
  5. Arrange and/or attend any meetings you wish to have with us or any support agencies including the Citizens’ Advice.
  6. Take legal action against you to recover possession of your home, and any arrears outstanding, if you persistently fail to pay your rent when due and do not work with us and / or other agencies to try and deal with the matter.

You have a responsibility to:

  1. Make sure you pay your rent weekly in advance; your payment must reach your account by Friday of each week.
  2. Contact us straight away if you have any difficulties paying so that we can advise and help you at an early stage before the arrears become high.
  3. Claim any benefits to which you are entitled at the right time and provide any information required to ensure your claim can be processed.
  4. Advise Universal Credit of any rent increases or changes immediately.
  5. Check your journal regularly and adjust your rent payments accordingly.
  6. Let us know if you are unable to keep appointments.
  7. Quote your rent account number when you contact us about your rent so that we are sure you are the legal tenant and we are not giving information to someone who is not entitled to know about your account.

Your rent reference number

Your rent reference number is the ten digit number on your rent statement or at the bottom of your rent card.

How performance is monitored

Performance on rent arrears is reported in detail on a quarterly basis to the neighbourhood services and housing needs (tenant involvement) panel.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this standard, please contact us