Harrogate housing standards: grounds maintenance

Our statement of intent

The Harrogate area has a strong horticultural reputation including a range of prominent world-renowned sites and regular achievements in relation to horticultural prowess. A majority of the public identify Harrogate’s parks, gardens and green space as the area’s top attribute. 

The parks and environmental services team has adopted a consistent approach and clear direction to the management of those controlled green spaces across the Harrogate area for which it is responsible. Those spaces include a large number of areas of communal grass, herbaceous beds, hedges and trees on land associated with the council’s stock of social housing. The team work to maintain, protect and enhance the appearance and biodiversity of these spaces for current and future residents to enjoy.

How do we aim to do this

The parks and environmental services team work to the following standards which apply to housing areas across the Harrogate area: 

Type Dates Frequency Comments
Amenity grass 1 April to October Every two weeks Leave clippings  
Bulb areas September Once a year Leave grass clippings Except summer hay meadows
Rose beds/shrub beds 1 April to October Every two weeks Weeding Deadheading/pruning if necessary
Flower beds All year Every two weeks Weeding/deadheading  
Weedkilling April and September Twice a year   Around obstacles
Weedkilling March / May / July / September Four times a year    
Hedge cutting July to August and November to January Twice a year Maximum height of five feet  
Leaves December to January Once a year

Only removed from:

  • hardstanding areas
  • paths
  • ornamental grass
  • tennis courts
  • play safety surfaces

Leaves do not get cleared from amenity grassland.

Winter pruning roses/shrubs December to February   Winter pruning roses/shrubs  


In accordance with the council’s Trees and Woodland Policy 2016-2021, each tree for which the council is responsible for managing will be inspected on a three to five year rolling programme. The inspection programme is primarily focused on tree health, issues relating to foreseeable risk, or issues relating to actionable nuisance. 

Trees within tenancy housing land will be inspected as per the policy document. However, trees within tenancy let property sites will be subject to initial inspection upon the request of the housing officer following a discussion with the tenant. Should trees within tenancy let properties be added to the inspection programme then they will be re-inspected going forward as per the policy document. If you have a tree that is causing you concern or problems please contact your housing officer who will ask the council’s tree specialists to inspect the tree to decide what action if any is necessary. Please note that we are reluctant to remove trees unless they are causing problems to public safety or the trees are in poor health.

How performance is monitored 

Managers in the parks and environmental service undertake ongoing monitoring to ensure that standards are upheld across the district. Teams are sent back to sites should the standards fall below an acceptable level.

Contact us

If you would like to discuss any aspect of this standard, please contact us