Advice for tenants over disrepair in Hambleton area homes

Find out who is responsible for repairs, how to complain and how we can help.

Your landlord is normally responsible for repairs to:

  • the property’s structure and exterior
  • basins, sinks, baths and other sanitary fittings, including pipes and drains
  • heating and hot water
  • gas appliances, pipes, flues and ventilation
  • electrical wiring – find out more on the Electrical Safety First website
  • any damage they cause by attempting repairs

Your landlord is usually responsible for repairing common areas, such as staircases in blocks of flats. Check your tenancy agreement if you are unsure.

Your responsibilities

You should only carry out repairs if the tenancy agreement says you can. You cannot be forced to do repairs that are your landlord’s responsibility.

If you damage another tenant’s flat - for example if water leaks into another flat from an overflowing bath - you are responsible for paying for the repairs. You are also responsible for paying to put right any damage caused by your family and friends.

Condensation, mould and damp

Landlords have a responsibility to provide adequate insulation, heating and ventilation to reduce condensation.

Find out more on our condensation, mould and damp page

If your property needs repairs or is not fit to live in

Contact your landlord if you think repairs are needed. Do this straight away for faults that could damage health, such as faulty electrical wiring. Ideally, this should be done in writing.  See our template as a guide (pdf / 163 KB).

If reported by text, keep a copy of the text. Your landlord should respond to your request within 14 days. You should carry on paying rent while you are waiting. If you think your home is unsafe, contact us

How to make a complaint

If your housing conditions could: 

  • cause you harm
  • cause a nuisance to others

or your landlord has failed to take any action, you will be offered an inspection under the housing health and safety rating system.

This looks at 29 hazards within the property that are known to adversely affect health. Find out more about the housing health and safety rating system on the Government website.

If the inspection identifies hazards, we have a duty to take action to ensure the necessary improvements are carried out by the landlord. This also includes housing associations or where you rent a room in a shared house. 

You can speak to us about any disrepair or environmental concerns. Contact us.