The Warm and Well advice service in Ryedale

Find out what the Warm and Well service offers and how to apply for help.

Warm and Well in North Yorkshire is a partnership project bringing together organisations from the public, private and charity sectors with the aim of reducing the number of cold homes, cold people and cold deaths in the county.

Through Warm and Well, you can access:

  • advice on how to save money on energy costs, switching suppliers, grants and priority service
  • home visits to advise you on how to make your home warmer and more energy efficient, or for help with minor repairs
  • a hardship fund for those in urgent need


You are eligible for the Warm and Well advice service if you live in Ryedale and:

  • you are unable to afford your energy bills or are worried about heating your home
  • you are on a low income or benefits
  • you are a family with young children
  • you have physical or mental health issues

Support for organisations

As well as providing advice to individuals, Warm and Well provides support for frontline workers, organisations, groups and parish councils, including:

  • training and awareness on fuel poverty, energy efficiency and how to apply for the warm homes discounts scheme
  • advice on how to set up winter schemes to keep communities safe
  • campaigns, resources and top tips for providing guidance
  • talks and information sessions

How to use the service

To find out what support you could receive, you can: