Waste and recycling education in schools and the community

We offer talks, activities and workshops on waste reduction, reuse and recycling in schools and communities across North Yorkshire.


The waste prevention and recycling officers can attend schools, groups and meetings to deliver free talks about waste prevention and recycling.


The waste prevention and recycling officers can provide free workshops at schools and after school clubs, cubs and brownie groups and other community groups. Our games-based workshops include:

  • Rescue Me game - a board game suitable for 7 – 11 year olds
  • Recycling bean bag game - an active game for all ages


The waste prevention and recycling officers can attend events during the week and weekends, including evenings, in North Yorkshire with an information stand and gazebo to promote waste prevention and recycling.

If you would like to book one of our waste prevention and recycling officers to attend your event free of charge, please contact us to arrange a date and time.