Find out how much you have to pay
Complete a financial self-assessment online to understand how much you may need to pay towards the cost of your care. It is quick and easy to complete and is available 24 hours a day.
To help you complete the form, you may need:
- pension statement
- bank or building society statements
- property income
- trust funds
- stocks and shares
- council tax
- rent payments
We have recently launched a new online financial assessment and may contact you for feedback about your experience. If you prefer not to be asked for feedback, please contact us by emailing to let us know.
Complete a financial assessment
Online financial assessment guide (pdf / 570 KB)
If you have savings capital
If you have savings and / or capital of £23,250 or more, you will be asked to pay the full cost of providing the services you receive.
Why should you use the online financial assessment calculator tool?
Using the online financial assessment calculator tool can help with:
- giving you an early indication of how much care might cost
- understanding how much you may have to pay for care can help you to make an informed decision about the next steps. This may include making a formal request with our adult social care team for support
- organising how much you may pay towards the cost of your care early on will help to ensure you are prepared for the charges that may follow and avoid a build-up of costs
What happens next?
When you complete the online financial self-assessment, you will see an estimate of how much you may have to pay towards the cost of your care.
You may then choose to submit your financial self-assessment to our team. When you do this, a benefits and assessments officer will review and confirm what your weekly contribution towards your care will be. They will also help you to claim any welfare benefits that you may be entitled to.
What happens if your circumstances change
If there is a change to your situation, you will need to complete a financial assessment to let us know. You can do this using the online financial self-assessment or request an assessment with one of our team by contacting us. This may be the second time you do this if your circumstances have changed. Our team will then review your new financial assessment and your welfare benefits entitlement.
Further information
Find out more in our leaflet about what you should expect to pay for care services in 2024 to 2025 (pdf / 2 MB).
To find out about services you can use to help you manage your care needs visit our stay in your home page - it provides information about help with daily living, care at home, and other services.
Making payments for social care services
Once you start receiving services, the council will invoice the person in receipt of services on a regular basis four weeks in arrears. Payment should be made within 14 days of the date of the invoice.
Failure to pay a charge by the due date will lead to reminder letters and if necessary, a visit to determine the reason(s) why the person has not paid their charges. If a person refuses to pay their charges, then the continuation of their care will be at risk and legal proceedings may be take in the courts to enforce payment.