Frequently asked questions about the change from Richmondshire Leisure Trust to Active North Yorkshire

From Saturday 1 March 2025, the management of leisure and wellbeing services currently run by Richmondshire Leisure Trust will transfer to our new sport and active wellbeing service, Active North Yorkshire.

This will affect the following sites:

  • Richmond Swimming Pool
  • Liberty Health Club

As a customer of these sites, there are a few things you will need to know before the changeover. We have created a set of frequently asked questions to answer your queries and highlight how you may be affected.

We will keep these frequently asked questions updated as we move forward throughout the changeover. However, if you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of our team who will do their best to help you.

The Richmondshire Leisure Trust team are doing their best to ensure this transition is as smooth as possible. We thank you for your patience and for treating them with the kindness they deserve during this time.

General information

Will the name of the centres change?

Yes, in line with the naming convention applied to all other Active North Yorkshire sites across the county, Richmond Swimming Pool and Liberty Health Club will be managed as one single venue and be known as Richmond Leisure and Wellbeing Hub.

Will I be able to visit the centre as normal from 1 March?

Yes, following the transition, all sites will continue to operate under the existing opening hours.

Will there be any disruption to service?

As with any major change, a certain level of disruption can be expected. We are working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure any disruption is kept to an absolute minimum. We will keep customers updated frequently on any anticipated disruption.

Will the website be changing?

Yes. The existing websites for Richmond Swimming Pool, Liberty Health Club and Richmondshire Leisure Trust will continue to operate as normal until 28 February. From Saturday 1 March, all Richmond Swimming Pool and Liberty Health Club customers will need to visit our Active North Yorkshire website for information, membership, swim timetables and classes.

Can I still book classes and swim sessions?

Yes, you can continue to book your classes in the same way as you do now.

Will the sites’ opening hours remain the same?

Yes. There are no plans to change the opening times.

Will I still be able to access my centre in the same way?

Yes, you will be able to access it in the normal way.

Will there be free wifi from 1 March?

Yes, from 1 March both buildings will have free customer wifi for you to enjoy. Look out for the North Yorkshire Council free network on your device.

Will the prices go up when Active North Yorkshire take over?

No - prices will be held at the current rates until they are reviewed in March 2026.

Will the 10 for the price of 8 swimming cards be available after the transfer day?

The 10 for 8 card will continue after the transfer day and your current card will be honoured.

Will the Liberty Health Club and Richmond Swimming Pool close during the transition to Active North Yorkshire?

Yes, there will be some disruption to opening times to ensure a smooth transition to Active North Yorkshire.

Thursday 27 February - Richmond Swimming Pool will be closed for the 2.15pm £3 swim.

Friday 28 February - Liberty Health Club will close at midday and Richmond Swimming Pool will close at 1pm. The facilities will reopen on Saturday 1 March at the normal time.

Saturday 1 March – Both Liberty Health Club and Richmond Swimming Pool will reopen at the normal time. Richmond Swimming Pool will close at 1pm for a private party booking.

Will there be disruption to the service on Saturday 1 March?

There is no planned disruption. However, it might be useful to bring cash if you are a pay as you go customer, just in case there are some unexpected disruptions with our payment systems. 

Will I be able to use my membership at other Active North Yorkshire or Zest leisure centres?

No, not to start with. We do plan to have this as a part of the membership in the future.

Will the sunbeds still be available at Active North Yorkshire Richmond?

The on-site sunbeds will be available until 31 March 2025. Until this date, the sunbeds may be used and single sessions can be purchased. However, please note that the sunbeds will no longer be available from 1 April 2025 onwards. Any remaining credit can be used in line with our safe use policy and refunds can be requested for any credits unable to be used.

Can I use my Richmondshire Leisure Trust user card to enter the building in the normal way?

For the first two to three weeks, your current card will remain active. After that, we will begin issuing the new Active North Yorkshire membership cards.

Will there be new signage installed at the centre?

Yes, new signage will be installed at the centre. On 1 March, we will put up new signage inside the building. External signage will be installed over the next few weeks, as we are currently waiting for a planning application to be approved before proceeding.

Members of Liberty Health Club

Will there be any changes to my membership?

No, your membership will remain unchanged allowing you to enjoy all the same great benefits at Active North Yorkshire Richmond.

Will my direct debit change?

No, your direct debit will not change. Your payment date and amount will remain unchanged.

I am a member - will there be anything I need to do when the centre moves to Active North Yorkshire?

New website: There is a new Active North Yorkshire website which our venues will be added to. All centre information, including programmes, prices and timetables, can be accessed here from 1 March 2025.

Class booking: Continue to book classes in the normal way; two days in advance via Facebook messenger or by calling 01748 821000.

Sunbeds: Richmondshire Leisure Trust has suspended block bookings for sunbeds whilst we conduct a review. We aim to share further information on the outcome of this review ahead of 1 March 2025.

Non-members (casual users)

I am a non-member - what do I need to do?

New website: There is a new Active North Yorkshire website which our venues will be added to. All centre information, including programmes, prices and timetables, can be accessed here from 1 March 2025.

Class booking: Continue to book classes in the normal way; two days in advance via Facebook messenger or by calling 01748 821000.

Sunbeds: Richmondshire Leisure Trust has suspended block bookings for sunbeds whilst we conduct a review. We aim to share further information on the outcome of this review ahead of 1 March 2025.

Swimming lessons

Will my or my child’s swimming lessons change?

All swimming lessons will continue in the same way following the transition to Active North Yorkshire on 1 March.

Will the way I pay for swimming lessons change?

No, you will still be able to pay for swimming lessons in the same way following the transition to Active North Yorkshire on 1 March.

Will the price of swimming lessons be changing?

Prices will be held at the current rates until the annual review point in March 2025. Any changes to pricing will be communicated in advance of 1 April 2025.

Other information

I want to follow my centre on social media?

Customers can stay up to date on all Active North Yorkshire news on social media by following Richmond Swimming Pool and Liberty Health Club Facebook pages. Please see the links below:

The pages will be merged together after 1 March and will be known as Active North Yorkshire Richmond.

Will things like timetables, sessions, and products change?

The current timetable and service delivery will carry on as normal. Services will continue to be reviewed regularly in line with demand and customer feedback.

What will the council be doing to maintain best value for money during the transfer to Active North Yorkshire?

The transfer to Active North Yorkshire will be conducted in the most cost-effective way possible, ensuring all legal obligations are met and customer safety is prioritised.