Swimming lessons for schools in the Selby area

Our facilities and services offer schools in the Selby area a wide variety of activities and opportunities to support the curriculum and encourage the development of students.

School swim programme

Our school swim programme supports schools to meet the curriculum targets of:

  1. swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
  2. use a range of strokes effectively, for example front crawl, backstroke and breastroke
  3. perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations

Our inclusive programme is underpinned by our dedicated swimming instructors who nurture a child’s personal development whilst providing a fun and safe experience. Learning to swim is not just about making a splash and badges, it offers an opportunity to shape and develop vital life skills you take into adulthood.

Contact us for details.

Other sports

There is more than just swimming. We have plenty of facilities that can provide your children and young people with memorable moments outside of school. Our 3G football pitches and indoor facilities are available to hire for local tournaments. 

Contact us for details.