Grass cutting policy
Our grass cutting policies are safety led in accordance with our statutory duty set out in The Highways Act 1980. The policy is structured to manage the different requirements in both urban and rural environments. Due to decreased budgets, we no longer cut grass verges for aesthetic reasons, and any grass cutting changes will be assessed on an individual basis in consideration of road safety requirements.
Our urban highway grass cutting policy applies to grass within the boundaries of roads with a speed limit of 40mph or less. We cut this grass five times per year between April and September.
We cut grass in these locations:
- at highway junctions for visibility
- around event or hazard warning signs as required to maintain visibility
- where a footway is separated from the carriageway by an area of verge – grass on both sides of the footway will be cut to 0.5m
Our rural highway grass cutting policy applies to grass verges along roads with a speed limit of over 40mph. We cut this grass twice per year.
We cut grass in these locations:
- at highway junctions for visibility on all road categories
- swathe cuts between 1.2 – 2.4m on Cat 2, 3a, and 3b network only
- sight lines and small radius bends
- roundabouts
- rural footways which occur outside of the swathe cut – grass on both sides of the footway will be cut to 0.5m
More regular grass cutting
Local parish and town councils might want to cut grass more frequently or extensively than we offer. Parish and town councils have the option to carry out urban grass cutting themselves with a financial contribution from us. This contribution can only go towards cutting grass in areas that we would have cut if we were responsible for grass cutting. Any grass cutting outside of those areas must be paid for by the parish or town council.
Private verges
We are not responsible for maintaining the verges of private roads leading to or from private properties, or for the vast majority of hedges by the roadside which are usually the responsibility of the adjacent landowner.
Environmental concerns
We have to balance the safety of road users and pedestrians with environmental considerations, recognising that verges are important for wildlife. Some of our grass cutting is done early in the year, and some in July, August or September, to allow flowers to set seed whilst also maintaining safety.
Where weeds are causing a safety hazard, we use one application of a non-residual contact herbicide called 'glyphosate', which conforms to health and safety and Environment Agency requirements. We may use additional treatments where required.
Urban grass cutting map
You can use our online map to find out who is responsible for cutting urban highway grass in each parish in North Yorkshire. Urban highways are roads with a speed limit of 40mph or less.
- Blue areas: we cut the grass or pay the parish or town council to cut the grass on our behalf - these areas are cut five times a year
- Green areas: we do not cut the grass - grass cutting in those areas is at the discretion of the town or parish council
Urban grass cutting map
Rural grass cutting map
Our rural grass cutting maps are not currently available to view online but can be provided on request.