Adult care

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NRS Healthcare and Medequip data breach

We are aware of a nationwide cyber-security attack and data breach affecting two of our care providers, NRS Healthcare and Medequip.

Customers using services and equipment from either NRS Healthcare or Medequip can be reassured that all technology services which provide help to those who need it are continuing to operate effectively, and they will continue to receive the support they require.

Read more information on our data breach affecting NRS Healthcare and Medequip page.

Services List


Find out about protecting children, young people and adults from abuse.


Find out about the support available to disabled people, including ways to help you retain your independence and mental health services.


Find out about carers and the support available to carers, take a carer assessment and join the carers' forum.


Find sources of support for people living with dementia and their carers. Also, advice on what to do if you think you may have dementia.